Screening and Panel Discussion of "Inside Story" DocuSeries
March 15, 2023
Dr. Andrisse, Howard University faculty and member of STEM-OPS partner organization Prisons to Professionals (P2P), was recently included in a DocuSeries produced by Vice and Marshall Project. Vice and Marshall Project would like to host a screening of Dr. Andrisse’s episode and panel discussion with Dr. Andrisse, the two producers, and one or two Howard University faculty or students.
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 15, 4–7 pm
Location: Blackburn University Center – Hilltop Lounge and Terrace @HUBlackburnCtr
Screening: Episode 7 of Inside Story
Contact Person: Dr. Stan Andrisse, stanley.andrisse@Howard.edu, 314-922-0198
Read more about the series and its release!