Surveys for Justice-Impacted Students

Surveys for Experiences in Education Settings for Justice-Impacted Students

Take the survey and contribute to the change.

Special thanks to Education Development Center for their leadership and design in this project!
The goal of this study is to gather insight on the experiences of higher-education-in-prison (HEP) program participants and use the knowledge gained from these insights to improve practices and expand opportunities and access to effective HEP programs, particularly those programs related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).
This survey was developed by formerly incarcerated people who participated in HEP programs and is designed to help evaluate such programs, better understand the needs of people participating in them, and identify strategies to maximize their impact. Furthermore, this survey will also gather data on your K-12 schooling experiences pertaining to math in order to help us better understand the math-related experiences of HEP program participants.
We are committed to maintaining your privacy, so only members of the research team will have access to these data. If you do not complete the survey, this website will record the answers you did provide. All participant identities will be anonymous and all data reporting will be aggregated to protect participants’ privacy.
For more information on the research team and project, or to contact a research team member regarding this study, contact
Click here to view and complete the survey.

Please take 1 minute to fill out this survey about how this project may have influenced you or helped you learn new information. Your response will help STEM-OPS learn about our shared impact on messages about people impacted by incarceration and help us improve our approach to changing societal narratives.