I have been the director of the Princeton University Prison Teaching Initiative (PTI) since 2018. As director, I work with academic and correctional partners to deliver 60 accredited college courses each year to incarcerated students in New Jersey; about half of all PTI courses are in STEM fields.
In summer 2021, I helped charter a new humanities summer research internship program at Princeton for previously incarcerated undergraduates, which complements the existing summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) internships for formerly incarcerated college students in STEM fields at Princeton. Before becoming PTI’s director, I was the postdoctoral research associate for the NSF INCLUDES “STEPs to STEM” launch pilot grant, which aimed to broaden participation in STEM fields among currently and formerly incarcerated people in New Jersey. As a postdoc, I coordinated the adaptation of new lab-based science courses for the prison classroom and supervised REU summer internships for formerly incarcerated undergraduates at Princeton.
I have coordinated humanities and social science programming since 2015 and taught literature and composition courses with PTI since 2013. I hold a PhD in Comparative Literature from Princeton University and was a Fulbright and Social Science Research Council fellow.
Email: jfstockw@princeton.edu