Speakers' Bureau

Justice-Impacted STEM speakers poised to speak with organizations

Special thanks to From Prison Cells to PhD for their leadership and design in this project! 

Lived experiences of justice-impacted people in STEM has given them insights and stories that can’t be replicated, and it is our hope to use these stories to be catalysts for change, reasons for hope, and cause for action. The speakers bureau is comprised of shining stars capable of transforming lives, systems, and movements, because of the barriers they’ve overcome.

Each speaker is a STEM Scholar who has particular training and expertise in speaking on broadening participation in STEM for those impacted by the criminal legal system. 

To reach out to one of our experts for your next conference or event, or for additional questions, please fill out the intake form.

Featured Speakers 

The National Science Foundation (NSF) definition of STEM fields includes mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, computer and information sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences – psychology, economics, sociology, and political science (National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, 2009).

STEM education and training provides the United States with three kinds of intellectual capital (National Science Teachers Association, 2010): 

  • Scientists and engineers who continue the research and development that is central to the economic growth of our country; 
  • Technologically proficient workers who are able to keep pace with rapidly developing scientific and engineering innovations; and 
  • Scientifically literate voters and citizens who make intelligent decisions about public policy and who understand the world around them.

The Speaker’s Bureau is under the management of From Prison Cells to Ph.D., serving as the designated managing partners for this initiative. In their capacity, they leverage speaking engagements and training sessions as a means to contribute to the development of their scholars.

It is important to note that STEM Opportunities in Prison Settings assumes no responsibility for coordinating arrangements, speaker bookings, or fee collection. The aforementioned tasks fall within the purview of the managing partner. 

Please take 1 minute to fill out this survey about how this project may have influenced you or helped you learn new information. Your response will help STEM-OPS learn about our shared impact on messages about people impacted by incarceration and help us improve our approach to changing societal narratives.