STEM-OPS Toolkits

STEM-OPS Presents the STEM-OPS Toolkits

Join us in shaping a future where technology empowers and uplifts, ensuring basic human rights for all. The STEM-OPS resource packages are shaping future, breaking barriers and creating STEM education resources for justice-impacted individuals, revolutionizing the STEM field. Each of the five Working Groups are resources designed for justice-impacted people by justice-impacted people with different resources.
The upcoming toolkits are derived from our Working Group projects and will feature the following:
Creating Inclusive Internship Programs for Justice-Impacted Scholars
Led by Princeton’s Prison Teaching Initiative (PTI) , this toolkit is outlines a guideline for creating a STEM internship program for justice-impacted undergraduates at Princeton University. The toolkit highlights effective strategies from the research literature as well as from the practical approaches that PTI took in building their program.
Principles and Standards for Information & Communication Technology in Prison
Driven by Education Development Center and Operation Restoration, generously funded by a National Science Foundation grant, this document introduces the visionary project Prisons Evolving as Connected Communities (PeaCC) and delves into essential communication technology guidelines. This groundbreaking paper sets the stage for the development and implementation of information and communication technology systems championing fundamental human rights and needs, as delineated in the United Nations report.
Speakers’ Bureau
Led by From Prison Cells to PhD, Howard University, and Education Development Center, the Speaker’s Series aims to establish a Speakers’ Bureau. Each speaker is a STEM Scholar who has particular training and expertise in speaking on broadening participation in STEM for those impacted by the criminal legal system, showing the lived experiences of justice-impacted people in STEM has given them insights and stories that can’t be replicated.
STEM Mentorship for Justice-Impacted Individuals
Overseen by From Prison Cells to PhD, our Mentorship Working Group understood that justice-impacted individuals face a challenging and exclusionary system that impedes their access to higher education, particularly in STEM fields. This working group project resulted in a guideline uniquely designed to outline the creation of a network specifically for currently and formerly incarcerated individuals and scholars. This types of networks empower justice-impacted individuals to thrive in STEM careers through mentorship and support.
Lab-based STEM Programs in Prison Settings
Led by Operation Restoration, this program is a beacon of change, addressing the educational needs of incarcerated women and simultaneously meeting the demand for skilled professionals in STEM disciplines. Our white paper delves into the guiding practices of the lab assistant STEM-OPS program, identifies barriers faced in implementing STEM education within prison settings, and presents proven strategies to overcome these challenges.
Surveys for Experiences in Education Settings for Justice-impacted Students
Led by the Initiative for Race Research and Justice at Vanderbilt and Education Development Center, this program focuses on co-creating strategies and tools to expand definitions of success in data and measures in STEM and higher-education-in-prison (HEP) programs. Through the power of voice and story, this program builds experiential knowledge as data points, advancing our understanding of STEM and HEP programming based on an expansive interpretation of empirical data.
Join STEM-OPS as we pave the way for a future where everyone, regardless of their past, can thrive and contribute to the exciting world of STEM! Each working group brings a unique perspective and resources designed for justice-impacted people, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in our mission. Stay tuned for the launch of each resource throughout 2024, marking a new era in STEM education and empowerment. Together, let’s build a future where technology uplifts and empowers all.

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